Fixed mistake in Dual GPU Meter that would incorrectly size the background when you hide the line graph Fixed a mistake causing the GPU usage and memory usage lines in GPU meter to not display accurately Changed hard-coded file path of the settings skin (for gadget settings buttons) to use #ROOTCONFIG# Corrected the default value of HWiNFOConfig.inc's file path so it will automatically work on any computer Added ability to middle-click on HWiNFOConfig.inc's file path to reset it to the default value Implemented proper support for long drive names Fixed mistake in Dual GPU Meter that would cause GPU 1's name to display as GPU 0's name instead Fixed inconsistency with memory fraction on single GPU meter (was bolded, changed to normal) Implemented proper settings support for dual GPU meter Separated CPU name from clock speed, moved clock speed to bottom Moved settings skin readme link to the sidebar, replaced previous location with DeviantArt link Updated update checker to get rid of versionAbsolute variable Changed coloring mechanics in all gadgets to reflect the above changes Added custom LUA script to separate RGB values from their alphas Implemented changing of alpha values using the bars in settings skin color pickers Combined all colors with their alpha values

Actually updated HWiNFO plugin to v3.0.0 Fixed small typo in changelog for v0.8.0 Fixed a mistake in the update checker that caused it to not actually display the new version number Updated changelog date formatting, conforming it to the widely-accepted standard for changelogs Changed All CPU Meter name / clock speed settings to reflect v0.8.0 changes Added disk capacity warning settings to drives meter settings page Nebula Probe 1.02-15-2023 Thinkr8 12 0 HWiNFO Resizable Gauges for Rainmeter ShadowMaster29 16 2 CPU GPU Dashboard 1.0 nhatminhpk05 23 33 Server Status Burger 1.0.0 Fu3lman 2 1 VPN Connection Status 1.0.1 for Rainmeter Fu3lman 9 13 System killall-q 12 1 CompactCombo ber-ro 7 0 CSM - Circular System Monitor 1.0 Fatty-Do-Do 143 44 Phy Battery 1.0.1 faisalz8 17 1 Titan Drives 4.3.0 Code-Sapient 8 0 LFA Cluster 1.2 Hui531 58 7 T-8 Network 1.0 Thinkr8 18 0 NetworkVPN 1.0 virtual-adam 19 4 Ribbon Interface with Player 1.0.0 David8192 15 6 NeoGothica 1.3.2 Code-Sapient 19 6 Plainext v1.8 JaxOriginals 284 73 GPU Monitoring for CircuitousTwo (UsageMonitor) noelperal 22 15 Aviso de carga de Bateria 1.01 FernandoAleisy 8 2 Top Process Meter - Gadgets Patch 5.2.0 SilverAzide2 89 13 Tautulli Desktop Monitoring 2.2.0 bdrumm 10 1 SYSMonitor 3.5 PlnkY77 238 318 SimplisticMeter v6 BlueJay1132004 26 3 Flat Circles Skin Pack ThatBlueStone 150 62 Command Center 1.- Made some confusing settings more descriptive